Things I’m Not Thankful For (Pt 2)

In keeping with tradition I’ll be listing the things I’m not thankful for this year, reserving the other days of the year for militant intentional gratitude.

This post was originally over 5000 words. Those words have been discarded and placed in the trash can where they belong. In their place I offer you one single, solitary thing that I’m not thankful for:

I am not thankful that somehow, by some freak of evolution or DNA splicing or virus, Arrogance and Ignorance have transformed in such a way as to allow each other to be housed by the same individual. This is a relatively new development and one that I am particularly unhappy about. In times past, the two characteristics, unpleasant in their own right, were like oil and water. There were ignorant people and there were arrogant people. But now, for reasons only Darwin might know, the two characteristics are living in the same human(s), co-habitating and co-mingling as if they belong together. Well, they don’t. But they are.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Larry Vaughan

Nothing to see here. Please move along in an orderly fashion.


Betty Lou


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